Peace is negotiated and borders are drawn, with major rivers (like fences, they make for good neighbors) as the main guide. European intervention is made politically possible in part because, in the absence of a Northern victory, the Emancipation Proclamation never leaves President Lincoln's desk drawer. In September 1862, the Confederate States of America win the Battle of Sharpsburg (Antietam for the Southern-impaired) and their independence after their victory triggers the British and French Empires' intervention into the War Between the States. It's that simple and unambitious, but hopefully can save you, the downloading public, some grunt work if you're interested in playing an extant, long-standing Confederacy in the 'Road to War' scenario. Since I'm something of a War Between the States buff with frequent stretches of free time, I created this scenario for everyone who's ever wanted to live and die in Dixie in HoI3:FTM. If you're like me-and I know I am-you've wanted to play some of the revolt nations in HoI3:FTM right from a scenario's start.